How to Find Your Purpose

How many notable points did you get from this video? Three, four, five…more?

I counted eight. I won’t go through them all here, but I would like to point out a few.

The first is that you shouldn’t try to determine your purpose, you should discover it.

When I heard Bob say that, the memory of how I discovered my own purpose came rushing back to me…

Ironically, it happened after I attended my first Bob Proctor seminar. I learned so much about the mind there and how paradigms can keep us from succeeding. I knew so many brilliant people who were getting poor results simply because they weren’t aware of how their mind works.

I knew right then and there that I wanted to spend the rest of my days finding ways to share the powerful ideas that Bob teaches.

It was quite a switch from what I was doing as an equity partner in a large firm. But Bob’s teachings allowed me to finally understand the why and how behind my success, so I knew that I would become successful again. It was so exciting and satisfying knowing that this time I would be bringing more joy and awareness to the world.

The second point is that discovering your purpose gives your life real meaning.

I thought my life was REALLY GOOD when I was a lawyer. But now I feel like my life really began when I started getting up each day to do this work. In fact, I don’t even consider it work. I’m so passionate about it that I’m eager to get out of bed every day to get started.

And, even though I Ieft a very successful law practice behind, I’m not only better off financially now but every area of my life has improved.

I share this with you not to brag, but to open your mind to what is possible when you discover and live your purpose. There truly are no limits when you are doing what you came here to do.

If you haven’t discovered your purpose yet, our program called The Winner’s Image may help.

Often, people don’t know their purpose because of the way they’re thinking about themselves. This program is proven to change the way you believe in and think about YOU.

As you’re zeroing in on your purpose, keep this final point that Bob made in mind…

Your purpose should be something that people will benefit from long after you’re gone. And if you’re doing something you love, it will be.

To more and better,

Sandy Gallagher
CEO & Co-Founder
Proctor Gallagher Institute