I hope you enjoyed Bob’s interview with Larry King.
I was struck by the part when Larry asked Bob what he does when he has bad days, and Bob responded, “You eliminate the bad as fast as you can, and focus on what’s good.”
And Larry said, “Yeah, but that’s easier said than done.”
And he’s absolutely right.
You have to train yourself to do what Bob suggested. But it can be done.
Bob used to have all bad days before he changed how his mind operated. Reading and studying every day completely changed his perception and his attitude.
Now you might be thinking, “Yeah, well it took him 47 years to be able to quickly eliminate the bad.”
While it’s true that you won’t be able to develop this skill overnight, it’s also true that internal changes start occurring as soon as you start to educate yourself about how your body, mind spirit really work.
It’s like dripping clean water into a container that’s partially full of muddy water. If you keep the drip going, the water will get lighter and lighter until eventually it will become clear.
The same is true for consistent study. Whether it takes a week, a month, or a year, at some point you will notice that, among other things, it’s easier for you to move from a negative energy state into a positive one.
Of course, it’s better to start the drip today than it is to wait until next week or next year. Or worse of all, to never start it all.
Have you started your drip yet? If not, when? The choice is yours.
To more and better,
Sandra Gallagher
CEO/President & Co-Founder
Proctor Gallagher Institute