On Your Mark… GO!

I’ve owned dozens of businesses in my lifetime.

And while I’ve had many slip-ups over the years, I’ve done one thing right from the very beginning.

Allow me to explain.

My first business venture was cleaning offices, and I went into it with gusto. Every time I’d get an idea that I thought would improve or grow the business, I’d act on it right away.

Some people thought I was crazy. Reckless even.

But I didn’t see any use in asking other people for their opinion or permission to do what I thought was the right thing to do. So, I just went for it.

And it almost always paid off.

For instance, late one afternoon, my brother and I flew into Atlanta. While I was on the plane, I got an idea to open an office there.

So, I called a realtor when we landed. I told him I was looking for about 5,000 square feet of office space, and if he would drive me around to look at offices the next day, I’d sign a lease on one.

The next day, the realtor drove my brother and me around and we picked out an office. I told him to get the lease ready and I’d sign it at the end of the day.

Then, my brother and I took off to register the business, purchase office furniture, order a phone line, and open a bank account. We also went to the newspaper and took out help wanted ads. Late that afternoon, I went back to the realtor’s office and signed the lease. And two weeks later, the Atlanta office was up and running.

That was how I operated in business then, and it’s how I operate now. I get an idea and act on it right away. I don’t wait until I have all my ducks in a row. I just get on with it and make adjustments along the way.

Hit send!

Much of my business success over the past 50 years has come from acting without delay.

So, years ago, when Sandy Gallagher couldn’t bring herself to send an email to her clients announcing that she was closing her law practice to start working in the personal development industry, I said:

“Hit send! You’ll develop wings along the way! Just hit send!”

She was terrified, but she sent the email anyway. And she very quickly learned how to soar.

I advise my clients in the same manner.

And if you’re thinking about starting a business or growing an existing one, it’s how I’m advising you right now.

Because as Don Shula, former coach of the Miami Dolphins, said…

“The start is what stops most people.”

Successful people make it a habit to start before they feel ready. They know the more time there is between an idea’s conception and its execution, the more likely it is to stall, fail, or die.

Besides, you’ll never feel ready when you’re working on something you’ve never done before, something that makes you stretch. That’s because you’re simultaneously being pulled in one direction by excitement and pushed in the other by fear. So, it’s no wonder you feel uncertain and unqualified.

But you’ll be fine if you…

Shoot from the shoulder,
not the hip

I’m not suggesting that you be reckless. You should do some amount of prep work. But then, instead of balking, bet on yourself.

Getting it done is better than being perfect. There’s a wonderful payoff for moving an idea into action at the fastest possible speed: You bring more of yourself to the surface.

You see, there’s always something inside you that you are unaware of; something you didn’t know you were capable of being or doing. It comes from the essence of your being—your spirit—which is always for expansion and fuller expression.

You’ll be absolutely amazed at what comes forth when you allow yourself to go with the flow, allowing yourself to start even though you feel you should continue to plan and prepare.

Plunge in

A few years ago, I went to Tel Aviv, Cypress, Dubai, Melbourne, Auckland, Los Angeles and then back to Toronto in about a week.

Everywhere I went big crowds of people would ask me, “Can I just spend 15 minutes with you?” “Can I ask you a question?”

I never could because I had to catch a plane to go to the next city. But, I really wanted to help each person, and I knew that I could if we could just spend some time together. I figured there had to be a way with all the technology and communication systems we’ve got today.

Then, when I was flying from Los Angeles back to Toronto, it came to me: STREAMING!

I didn’t know anything about streaming, so I called the head of our IT department and asked him what he knew about streaming.

“What do you want to know?”

“Can I stream?”

“Sure, you can. I’ll set it up.”

About an hour or two later he phoned me back and said, “There’s an icon on your computer, just click it.”

Within two hours of thinking of the idea, I had over 300 people registered from 60 different countries. Now, anytime I want, I can share valuable information and answer their questions from my studio at home.

Enjoy the process

Don’t let my (or anyone else’s) experience intimidate you. We all must run our own race and we start from the same place, with no money, experience, resources, or contacts. If I can move beyond those limitations, so can you.

You don’t need anyone’s approval or more credentials to do what you’ve been called to do. Instead of coming up with a reason why it’s not the right time to start or grow your business, just put your feet in the blocks, know where you want to go and take off!

Spirit always provides so you’ll develop wings along the way. That’s the way it works.

To your success,

Bob Proctor