Become a Business Superstar

Our world is changing faster than ever.

Of course rapid change can present a number of challenges.

However, if you’re prepared for it, it offers an opportunity for you to shine.

In this post, you’ll discover five ways to rise to the top at a time when many are left behind.

#1: Keep Your Skills Current

Think about this for a moment.

Things are changing so fast in today’s world that a company’s products can become obsolete before they’re even through the final stage of planning.

To combat this threat, it’s no longer enough to be a conscientious business owner or worker.

These days, you must also take steps to stay up to date so you can adapt quickly to change. Or better yet, stay ahead of the curve so you can see what’s coming.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do that.

For example, you can…

  • Take classes regularly
  • Attend webinars
  • Gain advanced skills by obtaining a certification (check online for training in your field)
  • Read trade magazines and newsletters that identify upcoming trends
  • Go to seminars and conferences

Also, look for ways to build on your natural strengths. If you’re a great communicator, for instance, come up with two things you can do to become even better at it.

The point is to keep moving…

Always be looking for ways to move onward and upward. Do everything you can to develop the skills and strengths that will make you indispensable.

#2: Demonstrate Your Expertise

This is not the time to be shy. When you’re good at something, or you know something others might not know, step up and show it.

Think of ways to use your skills and knowledge to make the biggest contribution possible to the company or your customers.

#3: Assess and Address Your Deficiencies

Most people don’t take a close look at their deficiencies. It’s as if they feel like they’re putting themselves down.

The truth is, you’re pulling yourself up when you ask, “Where can I improve?” or “Where did I mess up here and how can I fix it?”

Do you know something?

I do that frequently. And it always makes me a better person.

We can have most everything else going well. However, if we don’t fix our deficiencies, they could cost us a fortune.

#4: Adopt the Attitude of a Student

Author and speaker, Og Mandino once said, “Never be too big to ask questions, and never know too much to learn something new.”

I couldn’t agree more.

That’s one of the many things I admire about Bob. Even though he has worked alongside such greats as Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant, he still has the attitude of a student.

Bob is never afraid to ask questions or let someone know that there are things he doesn’t know. He always wants to learn.

I encourage you to develop that kind of attitude. It will pay off in more ways than you can imagine.

#5: Study Every Day

Even though I’m listing this as the final tip, it is, without a doubt, the most important, way to stay on top of our ever-changing world.

Whether you’re a business owner, a CEO, an employee, or a freelancer, spend a part of every day in self-development.

Despite the fact that Bob has been in this industry for 55 years, he is still not only relevant, but he is also able to teach things no one else in the industry can.


Because, after 55 years, Bob continues to study every day.

There are tremendous benefits to be had by rubbing your mind against the minds of great authors. Not only does it allow you to grow, but it also gives you the confidence and ability to adapt to changes within society.

So, like Bob, I spend time each day developing my mind.

No one has ever arrived.

Whether you own a company or work for one, the answer is the same: continuing education, but in a different way than you might expect…

Rather than developing the intellect, what we have to understand and develop is our untapped potential. Lifelong learning is the only way to do that.

Six Minutes to Success

We developed a program called Six Minutes to Success to help you flourish by allowing you to develop yourself in small increments EVERY DAY.

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Get all the details here.

A Note to Company Leaders

Moving forward, the companies that survive and prosper will be those which hire creative people and encourage their growth.

They will be companies that have a place in their annual budget for the development of their most valuable asset—their human resources.

And the message for every person who aspires to leadership is also very clear…

It’s no longer enough to have a college degree, or be crafty, shrewd, or popular.

The clear winner will be the person who can handle complex problems that are created by the increasing speed of innovation. It will be the person who has exceptional originality.

Moving Forward from Here…

Let’s let Bob be our example of how to stay on top even when the world is changing all around us.

Let’s strive for excellence in everything we do. That means maintaining the highest of standards and doing more than is expected. It’s always looking for ways to be and do better, to give our very best.

People who prosper today aren’t satisfied with doing things the way they’ve always done them. They are always looking for ways to do them a little better. They continually push their knowledge, skills and performance a little higher up the ladder.

Use the simple tactics above to help you adapt so you can stay ahead of the curve in our ever-changing environment.

They’re effective whether you want to work at a place where you can make a difference, or you want to create a business that has a positive social or environmental impact on the world.

Which of the tips above do you think will help you the most? What additional tips can you offer? We’re all in this together. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

To more and better,

Sandy Gallagher