Change Your Paradigm, Transform Your Destiny

A paradigm doesn’t change by itself. You have to change it. But where do you start? It has often been said that whatever you believe, you are. So it would be well worth your time to start becoming aware of and then examining your beliefs. Think about this. Wherever you are in your life is a reflection of what you …

Great Expectations

What do you expect? How many times has someone said that to you? Usually, of course, it’s rhetorical – a (typically critical) commentary on a particular situation: “What do you expect from a place like this/person like that/day like today?” etc. But really, it’s a great question. One of the best you can ask or be asked. Because your answer …

7 Affirmations to Ramp Up Your Self-Image

Do you know you have an image of yourself locked inside your subconscious mind? While your physical body and appearance are important, it’s this image—the inner image—that really counts. This is the image that determines your success or failure in life. Life as a phenomenal experience The real you is perfect, boundless and is always looking for ways to expand. …

The Secret to Living Abundantly

Make no mistake about it… The Universe wants us to have an abundant life. And it is always supporting us in making this a reality. However, we must do our part. We must live in harmony within ourselves and with Universal Laws to create the abundant life we desire. If you’re not living that life right now, it’s perfectly fine. …