This magic word is a two-edged sword. It brings us the success we seek or if misused, a life of disappointment. Knowledge and understanding of this principle is the first step in your journey to greater success and the foundation upon which to build a happier, healthier, more prosperous life.
How to Develop an Exceptional Attitude
People with an exceptional attitude sail through life moving from one success to another and, when they occasionally fail at something, they shrug it off and head right out again. But how do they develop such an attitude? Find out here…
How an Attitude of Gratitude Changes Everything
Most people know that it’s good to be grateful, but many misunderstand what gratitude really does for us. Bob Proctor explains the benefits of expressing gratitude and provides a print-ready daily gratitude exercise that you can use to improve your life.
7 Keys to a Positive Attitude on Life’s Roller Coaster
Roller coasters contain sharp curves, steep inclines and descents, straightaways, and sudden changes of speed and direction. The same can be said for life. So how do you deal with the ups and downs of life? Use these seven keys to help you maintain a positive attitude on life’s roller coaster…
7 Attitudes of People Who Prosper
A true prosperous attitude requires more than plastering a smile on your face and trying to think positive thoughts. However, there’s more than one way to get there. Discover seven common attitudes you can choose from to develop an attitude that attracts prosperity in every area of life.
The Last of Human Freedoms
On the 13th of January this year, I was high-jacked and put in the trunk of a car by four gun-wielding high-jackers here in Johannesburg, South Africa – for three hours! This was the worst experience imaginable, but strangely enough the longer it went on, the calmer and the calmer I got. You know, in the boot of that car, …
The Twists and Turns of Life
Years ago, Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben introduced the New Year rituals of Rosh Hashanah by holding up a long, coiled ram’s horn. Pointing out the twists and turns, he used the shofar as a metaphor for life. “No one’s life,” he said, “is straight and predictable.” Twists, dips and bends, as well as ups and downs are inevitable. How we …
Pounding In and Pulling Out Nails
When my daughter was confronted with the fact that she had really hurt another child with a mean comment, she cried and immediately wanted to apologize. That was a good thing, but I wanted her to know an apology can’t always make things better. So I told her the parable of Will, a nine-year-old whose father abandoned his mom two …
The Power of Your Inner Fire
Have you ever wondered what it is that motivates men and women to do great things? Have you ever read an interview with a successful entrepreneur, business person, or CEO and wondered what it is about them that makes things seem to just happen for them? Have you ever watched a football game and been amazed at the athleticism involved …