Surely you’ve heard the advice to “step out of your comfort zone.” But what does that really mean? Is it even a good idea? The truth is, comfort zones are more complicated than most people think. Ask any average Joe on the street what it is and he’ll tell you a comfort zone is “the way you’re used to doing …
The Hidden Dangers of Comfort Zones, Plus 5 Ways to Step Beyond the Risks
The Laws of the Universe are pretty clear. One of those laws, and the one I’d like to talk to you about today, has to do with motion. I firmly believe that if you’re not going in one direction, you’re going in another direction. The Universe, and the laws of physics, back me up on this. But let’s take it …
What Is A Comfort Zone?
People are often told to “step out of your comfort zone.” But what is a comfort zone? The answer may be more complicated than you think.
11 Ways to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone Every Day
Although it’s easy to do, staying locked in your comfort zone is inherently dangerous. Take one or more of these actions to start breaking out of your comfort zone today…
Let Go of What No Longer Serves You
Do you sometimes struggle with letting things that no longer serve you go? Developing this simple habit helps you turn things around…