What do you expect? How many times has someone said that to you? Usually, of course, it’s rhetorical – a (typically critical) commentary on a particular situation: “What do you expect from a place like this/person like that/day like today?” etc. But really, it’s a great question. One of the best you can ask or be asked. Because your answer …
A 6-Step Blueprint for Reaching Your Goals
“How do I set the right goal? And once I decide what I want, how do I go about reaching it—is there a blueprint I can follow?” Find the answers to these oft-asked questions here.
Why Goals and Resolutions Typically Fade
One out of two people who set goals at the beginning of a year abandons those goals by the end of January. Many things may cause people to abandon their goals; however, most fall into one of these categories…
3 Steps to a Mindset Reset for the New Year
Have you lost the way on maintaining a positive mindset or reaching any of your goals this year? The first step back in the right direction is one you might not expect…
How to Set the Right Goals
Goals aren’t necessarily “good” in and of themselves. However, setting the right goal is always good and will lead to a more interesting, fulfilling, and enjoyable life. What’s the right goal for you? Find out here…
How to Set the Perfect Goal for the New Year
Having goals is important but setting goals that are connected to your purpose and vision is a real game changer. Are you setting the perfect goal for 2022? Find out here…
Ten Success Habits of Goal Achievers
People who regularly achieve their goals, no matter how big they are, don’t do it by behaving like everyone else. Find out one thing they typically have in common that sets them apart and supercharges their effectiveness…
Act Before You’re Ready
Many people think successful entrepreneurs and people who leave their corporate job to reinvent themselves have it all figured out before they leap. But here’s a little secret: they don’t…
How to Create a Compelling Life Script
Want to make some significant changes, live with more purpose, or simply enjoy a better life? Here’s an underutilized tool that will help you do it…
The ABCs of Goal Setting
It’s hard for most people to believe that they can double or triple their income in a year. However, you absolutely can (or do anything else you really want to do) when you set a specific type of goal…