Daily Gratitude Timer with Meditation Music

Most people know it’s good to be grateful; however, many don’t understand what gratitude really does for us. Expressing gratitude shifts your energy instantly. It puts you in harmony with your source of supply so that the good in everything moves toward you. In The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles said, “The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the …

The Law of Giving

Millions think of December as the season of giving and receiving. However, if you’d commit to giving year-round, you’d likely substantially increase the abundance in your life. Here’s why…

The Importance of Giving and Receiving

For millions, December is considered the season of giving and receiving. However, if you’d commit to giving year-round, you’d likely substantially increase your happiness and abundance in your life. Here’s why…

Appreciating Appreciation

There’s a song called “Thank God for Dirty Dishes” that makes the point that if you’re lucky to have enough food to make dirty dishes, you should be grateful. So instead of grousing about your property taxes, be thankful you own property. When you have to wait in line at the bank or are stuck in traffic, just be grateful …

Enough Is Enough

What does it take to make you happy? How much do you have to have to be grateful? To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of old shoes. To the man with old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it’s more stylish shoes. And, of course, the fellow with no feet would …

Make Your Life an Expression of Gratitude

Life is not a flat line—it is full of ups and downs. While it’s not possible to have all “up” days, your days and your life are consistently better and more graceful when you do one thing…

The Science of Gratitude

Throughout history, scholars and spiritual leaders have deliberated on the importance and power of gratitude. More recently, scientists have also weighed in by actually measuring its effects. Find out what they found here…

The Simplest Key to a Satisfying Life

Gratitude is one of the most positive emotions you can have. However, it can be hard to express it during challenging times. Answering the challenge in this post will help you and many others increase their awareness and feel better about life.