If you’d like to create breakthrough results in an area of your life, Sandy Gallagher shares five things you can do to get what you want.
Discover The Art of Living
The most extraordinary aspects of Bob Proctor and his teachings is that he is consciously aware of why he is so extremely successful in life AND he knows how to share it with others in a way they can immediately put to use. Sandy Gallagher announces Bob’s latest book and explains how you can use its ideas to make your life better and better every day.
The Risk in Not Risking
It’s often more tempting to avoid a loss than pursue a gain. But sometimes avoiding risk is the biggest risk of all. Bob Proctor explains why…
Demystifying Sex Transmutation
In Napoleon Hill’s classic book, Think and Grow Rich, the tenth step toward riches is called “The Mystery of Sexual Transmutation.” Have you ever wondered what that is? What does sex have to do with getting rich and the manifestation of your dreams? It’s confusing to many people, so let’s talk about it. The Supreme Intelligence of Life seeks to …
Faith is Powerful
Years ago I heard Bob Proctor quote Clarence Smithison with these words: “Faith is the ability to see the invisible and believe in the incredible and that is what enables believers to receive what the masses think is impossible”. Can you imagine if you lived your life by these words? You would achieve phenomenal results … consistently. Several months ago, …
What Are You Thinking?
Stop. What are you thinking right now? Are your thoughts of Fear or Faith? Of Poverty or Prosperity? Do you think you can, or do you think you can’t? We have all heard the famous quote by Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” A little while ago I found myself going down …
A Time To Think
CHAOS. ISOLATION. UNCERTAINTY. Life as we know it has been upended… And it continues to change. You can’t control what’s happening in the world, but you can control how you respond to it. And how you respond in the coming days, weeks, and months can have a far-reaching, life-altering impact. How do you really want to live? Who do you …
The Power of a “Silly” Idea
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a safe place you could go to give shape and life to your “silly” ideas? Now there is…
The Key to a Truly Successful Life
Everyone wants to live a truly successful live, but very few ever master this art. Bob Proctor has 55 years of experience and study on this subject and he explains what you can do to start living a happy, full and successful life.
7 Habits to Adopt for a Happier 2017
Have you set an exciting goal for 2017? There’s a good chance you can reach it if you do this…