A Habit You Simply MUST Develop

“I know this already.”

How many times have you thought or said something like that?

If your answer is greater than one, you’ve probably said it too many times.

You see, you think you know it, but you really don’t. I’ve heard some really great ideas THOUSANDS of times before they finally became fixed in my mind.

Not to mention that it took me nine years of working with some of the most brilliant people in the world to figure out how I went from being broke to having a seven-figure income in a few short years. Once I got it, though, I was able to teach it to millions of others.

That’s why at PGI, we believe lifelong learning is imperative. Another way of saying that is you must develop the habit of being teachable. Because …

When you stop being teachable, you max out

The more you expand your mind, the better your life becomes. If you’re already a millionaire, you will become a multi-millionaire. If you’re happy now, you will become even happier.

If you’d like to know how teachable you are, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is my willingness to learn?


    Your knee-jerk response might be to say a 9 or a 10. That’s great, if it’s true, but you might be lying to yourself.To find out, decide right now what you are willing to give up to learn something that is going to make your life better. For instance, are you willing to spend less time watching TV or browsing Facebook and Instagram—or whatever you enjoy doing that sucks time away? The answer to that question will tell you how willing you TRULY are to learn.
  1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how willing am I to accept change?


    The bottom line here is if you want things in your life to change, you’re going to have to change things in your life. Namely, the way you think and some of your habits.

Now, if your answer to both of those questions is a legitimate 9 or a 10, then your desires will likely happen in a relatively short period of time.

I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been a 10 and 10 since I first started down this path over 50 years ago and my life just keeps getting better and better.

If your answers were on the low- or mid-range of the scale, build a more inspiring image of what you really want (or who you want to become) in your mind. An image that really excites you will fuel your desire to do whatever it takes to learn how to get it.

To your success,

Bob Proctor