Working With The Laws of the Universe
Discover your best life full of joy, freedom and wealth when you understand and apply the laws of the universe! The 11 Laws covered in this program are...
1. The Law of Thinking
2. The Law of Attraction
3. The Law of Supply
4. The Law of Increase
5. The Law of Receiving
6. The Law of Compensation
7. The Law of Forgiveness
8. The Law of Non-Resistance
9. The Law of Obedience
10. The Law of Success
11. The Law of Sacrifice
Each lesson covers these laws in great detail, and it’s a program that will completely change your life for the better. This program includes
- 12 Full-Length Audios
- 1 Digital Working With the Law Workbook
Working with The Law
Working With the Law is an in-depth course that expands on the works of Raymond Holliwell’s book.
The course was developed and created by Bob Proctor, one of the commentators and figures in the movie, “The Secret.” In the movie, he clearly explained what the secret was – the Law of Attraction.
Bob is joined by Mary Morrissey in this program, another leader in the personal development field. Mary worked directly with Raymond Holliwell for a number of years and shares her experience of the book first-hand.
This course takes things further than the movie did, and examines each of the other equally important laws. Bob often refers to these laws as forgotten, because they are not very well known to the modern world, even though they’ve been around since the beginning of time.
As a digital download, you can easily download to your computer, or mobile device and access the lessons at any time that is convenient for you.
You and The Laws
Do you find yourself questioning gravity?
No, of course not. Actually, you fully trust gravity … so much so that you don’t have to wonder if it’s going to work. It’s something you can count on.
Well, there are other Laws of the Universe, directly related to your success and how you enjoy life, that you can count on too.
Do you think if you ignored gravity, it would stop working?
No, of course not. Gravity isn’t dependent on your belief. And neither are the other laws.
You can ignore these Laws of the Universe, but they’re still working.
When you learn and apply the Laws of the Universe effectively – everything in your life will change.
Things start to flow and ease sets in.
You’ll realize that when you understand, apply and get in harmony with the laws you don’t have to work as hard.
The best part? While applying other things can give you temporary change.
– Working with the Laws provides permanent results.

To millions of people across the globe, the name Bob Proctor is synonymous with success.
As a speaker, author, consultant, coach, and mentor, Bob Proctor worked with business entities and individuals around the world, instilling within them not only the mental foundations of success and the motivation to achieve, but also the actionable strategies that empowered them to grow, improve, and thrive.
Through Proctor Gallagher, Bob’s legacy is carried on by Sandy Gallagher and her team as they teach the principles, strategies and fundamentals that help people and organizations create the results they want in life.