Multiple Income Streams
What is Multiple Sources of Income?
Multiple Sources of Income (MSI) is a technology that will permit you to multiply your present income by providing service beyond that which you are presently providing at your primary source of income.
Through Multiple Sources of Income (MSI) Technology you will earn many times what you are presently earning at your primary source of income.
MSI is a concept that has been adopted by virtually all wealthy people.
MSI is exactly what it says it is: Income From Multiple Sources.
What MSI is Not
- MSI is not another job.
- MSI is not a better job.
- MSI is not even a job.
MSIs are a way of adding a new dimension of excitement and fun to your everyday life, while you are becoming very wealthy.
The Key Characteristics of MSI
- An MSI is an idea with which you are in harmony.
- An MSI is an idea that enables you to provide service to humanity in a lawful manner for which you will be fairly compensated. The compensation you receive from each MSI could be minimal or it could be millions of dollars per year.
- An MSI should not interfere with, nor cause you to jeopardize your position at your primary source of income.
Passive Income
It’s been explained that an MSI is not another job. In fact, it’s not even a job. Many people confuse creating an additional source of income for themselves as getting a part time job. Though that is one way of creating an additional source of income for yourself, it’s not one we recommend. Why? Because, you’re trading your time for money and eventually, you’ll run out of time.
The goal of an MSI is to create passive income. Passive income refers to earnings that require minimal ongoing effort after the initial setup. It’s money that flows regularly because of a value or service you provided upfront.
Building Passive Income Streams
Creating passive income may require an initial investment of time, energy, or resources to get started. Depending on the MSI, this startup phase can vary in intensity. However, once it’s established, an MSI can become a source of “mailbox money"—income that arrives while you sleep.
Focus on developing MSIs that align with your skills, interests, and values. By doing so, you can enjoy financial freedom while enhancing your quality of life.
If a person advances confidently in the direction of their dream and endeavors to live the life they have imagined, they will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
Examples of MSIs
- Write a book, song, play, movie script.
- Publish a book that is available under public domain.
- Join a network marketing company—every person in your downline is an MSI!
- Produce a series of audios/CDs for your given field.
- Invent something.
- Intellectual property (give your idea to someone else to take to market and receive a royalty).
- Real estate investing.
- Back end sales (ie. referral fees – real estate agents recommend “home improvements” to their clients and receive a referral fee from the vendor to whom they refer their client).
- Web based affiliate programs (they’re all over the place).
- Facilitate/market something for someone else get an insurance or securities license (residual income).
- Franchise something.
- Rent your mailing list for a fee.
Start Developing Your MSIs
You can get really creative with MSIs. If you’re an independent contractor—let’s say you’re a graphic artist—you could create a piece of artwork (maybe a book cover) and instead of charging your regular fee up front for the design, opt to take a percentage of the total sales and offer to design it for no upfront fees. You’ll more than recoup your investment of time and it will be money that keeps coming to you as long as the person keeps selling their book.
MSI Wheel of Fortune
- Set an immediate goal to have 15 MSIs.
- Download the image below.
- Fill in the spaces provided and make this your Wheel of Fortune.

Never look at the visible supply; always look at the limitless riches in the formless substance and know that they are coming to you as fast as you can receive and use them. Nobody, by cornering the visible supply, can prevent you from getting what is yours.