What Every Adult and Child Ought to Know About Self-Image

Most people go through their entire life without understanding this.

Agree not to be one of them—as it could limit every single area of your life.

You see, because it is a cybernetic mechanism, the image you hold of yourself sets the boundaries of your life…

If you have a “small” self-image, you build a tiny box around yourself. A big or powerful self-image creates a large box.

So the question is…

Are you caught in a vicious or beneficial cycle?

You may not be clear on the details of the mental picture you have of yourself.

But make no mistake, they are there.

These details are based on beliefs you formed about yourself from past experiences. Your successes and failures. Your humiliations and triumphs. And the way other people have treated you, especially during early childhood.

As with any paradigm, once a belief about yourself goes into this picture, it becomes “true” without you questioning its validity.

Now pay attention to this…

You build your entire personality, your behavior, and even your circumstances on your self-image. It is the foundation of everything you are, do and have. Therefore, your experiences verify and reinforce the image you are holding.

This sets up a vicious or a beneficial cycle, depending on how you see yourself.

How to live the way you want to live

It should be clear by now how and why the results you’re getting in life are a reflection of your self-image.

Fortunately, if you’re not happy with those results, you can change that image ANYTIME you want.

However, you must direct your energy to changing the mental picture you have of yourself instead of trying to change outside circumstances, such as going on a diet when you are overweight.

I encourage you to read Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. I don’t know of a better book for helping you understand and change your self-image.

Once you get a handle on how to change how you see yourself, teach it to your children, nephews, nieces and grandchildren. It will change the course of their lives forever.

And remember…

You are unique. You are not like anyone else on the planet. And you’re not supposed to be.

When you understand the concepts of self-image, cybernetics and paradigms, you and your children can stop living how other people think you should live.

Take Oscar Wilde’s quote to heart:

“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live; selfishness is asking others to lives as one wishes to live.”

Develop the awareness and courage to live your life, your way. You will need to leave your false and limited image of yourself behind. However, you will move into a higher altitude where you breathe rarefied air.

To your success,

Bob Proctor