You and Money

I’ve got an unusual question for you…

How comfortable do you feel talking about money?

When I first started to study this material, I didn’t feel very comfortable talking about it at all.

As a result, I never had very much. I was earning $4,000 a year and I owed $6,000.

However, when I started to get comfortable with the idea of money, just like that, everything changed. Before long, I knew I’d never have to worry about money again.

So how about you…

Can you see yourself being in a position of never having to worry about money again?

Really think about that for a few moments because your answer to that question will help you begin to understand how comfortable you are with money.

If you can easily see yourself enjoying abundance and financial freedom, that’s fantastic!

However, if you feel uncomfortable with that idea for any reason, you can start changing it today.

Money is NOT the goal

Like it or not, money will have a greater influence on your life than almost any other commodity you can think of.

So I’d to help you develop a healthy attitude towards money. Not only do you need it to live the way you want to live, but you can use it to do so much good in the world.

And let me tell you something…

Wealthy people never feel uncomfortable when the subject of money comes up. You might think it’s because they already have a lot of it.

But that’s not why.

People don’t feel comfortable about money because they have it; they have it because they feel comfortable about it.

In other words, one of the reasons wealthy people have money is because they have developed a prosperity consciousness.

It’s so much easier than you think!

Here’s a fun exercise you can do to help you start feeling more comfortable with money right away…

Carry some money with you for 30 days.

Get a hundred-dollar bill (or a few of them if you’d like) and put it on the outside of some other bills. Make the wad as thick as you can. If need be, cut some paper the size of dollar bills and add them to the stack. Then, put the money in your pocket or purse.

Don’t spend the money. Just carry it around with you.

Every now and then, pull it out, look at it and start to count the money. Literally count it. The more you carry it and play with it, the more comfortable you’ll start to feel with it.

And the more comfortable you feel with the money, the more you’re going to attract it.

I love this exercise, and I think you’re going to love it too!

It helps you build a new image of yourself where you have enough money that you no longer have to think about it.

And, by doing it for 30 days, you start convincing your subconscious mind that you are wealthy and that it feels good to be wealthy. Your subconscious mind will automatically seek ways of making your “imaginary” feelings of wealth manifest themselves in material form.

Shatter the pattern

I believe in you.

I KNOW that you are capable of earning as much money as you want.

However, if you don’t believe that’s true, you’re going to place some artificial limit on the amount of money you can earn. And thus, you’ll limit the amount of good you can do for others.

If you’d like to make a quantum leap that shatters your pattern of making incremental increases in your income, you must put some additional effort into developing a consciousness that attracts prosperity.

You do that by building the idea of wealth and abundance into your mentality by thinking about and ‘feeling’ these words as often as possible—not just when you pull your money out to play with it.

Get quiet and go ‘inside’ for about five minutes, three or four times a day, and feel as though you are already wealthy and prosperous.

When you “feel wealth and abundance,” you invoke real powers within you. The feeling of wealth literally produces wealth. The more you have the feeling, the better.

You see, your subconscious mind magnifies whatever you deposit or impress upon it whether it is the idea of wealth or earning an ordinary income.

Choose wealth.

And also…

Choose the right words

In addition to picturing and feeling abundance, use affirmations that resonate with you to help develop a prosperity consciousness.

Don’t choose “pie in the sky” phrases that you don’t believe. That will put you in the wrong vibration. Choose words and phrases that, when you’re saying them, they make you feel better.

My favorite affirmation for increasing prosperity is:

I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.

Why your affirmations might not have worked in the past

If you’ve used affirmations in the past and nothing happened, it’s probably because of one or possibly both of the following things:

1) Your affirmation produces a mental conflict.

If you say, “I am prosperous,” and then think, “This is stupid; it’ll never happen,” your subconscious mind will reject the affirmation.


Because your subconscious mind accepts what you really feel to be true, not just idle words or statements. The dominant idea or belief is always accepted by the subconscious mind.

So choose or create affirmations that build new ideas without setting off an alarm in your subconscious mind. For example, “I am so happy and grateful that my income is increasing.”

2) You plant your affirmation in depleted soil.

Affirmations are like seeds. So, you must prepare the proper atmosphere for them to grow in.

If your mind (your soil) is filled with negative thoughts that bring you down, the seed won’t grow. However, the more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmation will work.

A word of caution…

While you’re becoming comfortable with money and building your new consciousness, refrain from talking to a lot of people about what you’re doing.

Hearing negative comments from people who do not understand the truth will not do you any good. If it does anything, it will only cause you to doubt yourself.

You must not allow this happen. Because when you think about you and money, you want a beautiful picture to fly onto the screen of your mind!

To your success,

Bob Proctor

P.S. You might think carrying money around in your pocket or purse, and counting it periodically is just a silly game. It’s not. You’re sending prosperity messages to your subconscious mind.

Commit to doing this exercise, and leave a comment acknowledging your commitment. Then do it. You’ll be so glad that you did.