Make no mistake about it…
The Universe wants us to have an abundant life. And it is always supporting us in making this a reality.
However, we must do our part.
We must live in harmony within ourselves and with Universal Laws to create the abundant life we desire.
If you’re not living that life right now, it’s perfectly fine. As Bob said in the video, you can start over today.
Wipe the slate clean
You create abundance from the inside out. And you do that by changing what you focus on.
Instead of thinking about the past, your current circumstances or the state of the economy, you think about the abundant life you want—and you do it often.
By thinking about your desire every morning, every night, and as many times during the day as you can, you actually begin moving toward it and bringing it toward you.
You see, mind is movement, and your body is the physical manifestation of that movement. And concentrating your thinking is like taking a river that’s twisting and turning and meandering all over the countryside, and putting it into a straight, smooth channel.
It’s very powerful because it puts all your attention on a single image, and that image dictates the vibration that you are in.
But here’s the thing…
Holding an image of abundance in your conscious mind has no effect on your life.
However, when you turn that image over to your subconscious mind, your whole world will begin to change.
That’s because the image that’s in your subconscious mind is what alters your vibration and that vibration expresses itself through the body in action.
But… if the image changes, the vibration changes. And every vibration sets up an attraction, and every action sets up an equal and opposite re-action.
So, you can see why it’s essential to hold the image you want (in this case the image of abundance) in your mind as long and as frequently as possible. It’s how you create an “abundance” vibration, which moves everything of a like nature in your direction.
What’s an abundance vibration?
Everything is energy, including your thoughts and emotions. Each message that you think and say with emotion carries a specific vibrational energy that you send out into the universe.
However, the most potent manifesting vehicles are the thoughts you think over and over again. These are the thoughts and ideas you get emotionally involved with and impress upon your subconscious mind. These are the thoughts that program the cells in your body.
The more you consciously focus on what you want, the better you feel and the higher your vibration is.
As you’ll see on the chart below, there’s a strong correlation between your energy field and your ability to attract good things into your life. As your awareness expands, it becomes easier to attract abundance.

The higher you move up on the consciousness scale, the better you will be able to shift from lack to abundance permanently.
Take inspired action
Of course, you can’t attract abundance just by thinking good thoughts alone. You must act on those thoughts.
In other words, the Law of Attraction applies to your physical actions as well as to your mental and emotional state of being.
Every action you take (which you’ll remember is dictated by your vibration) sends out an energetic frequency into the world and is directly linked to the types of things you manifest or don’t manifest into your life.
When you take actions from an expanded awareness, you send out positive, expansive energy which magnetizes even more of what you desire.
The universe is ready to bless you
It won’t happen overnight, and it won’t always be easy, but I promise you this…
The journey toward living abundantly will be worth every rise and fall, every success and blunder, and every revelation and suppression.
You’ll move from a life that is focused on the body and physical reality to a focus on spirit, from a limited sense of self to an unlimited sense of self, and from a sense of separateness to a sense of unity with everything you desire.
This miraculous journey of the mind and heart will change every aspect of your life.
You just need to decide if you are ready to receive these blessings.
Before you go, please tell us…
Do you believe you are an abundant being?
Will you focus on raising your level of consciousness, so you can live more abundantly?
What other thoughts or feelings did this post trigger in you?
Leave a comment below to let us know.
Thank you for reading this and sharing your thoughts and experiences. It makes a big difference to the community, and we truly appreciate it.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher