Want to know the worst part of not acting on a great idea?
It remains locked up inside you, and the world doesn’t get to benefit from it.
Think about it.
Ideas are responsible for every significant advance of man. From the technology that keeps the world connected to the medical advancements that help us return to health—ideas are the primary cause of almost everything we enjoy in the world around us.
It’s not unusual for people to approach Bob about executing an idea they have. They have no trouble recognizing brilliance in Bob, but they cannot see their own brilliance and act on it. They see Bob as more successful… more confident… more capable of a bringing their brilliant idea to life.
However, the truth is, if Bob can do it, so can they. In fact, they may even do a better job than Bob because it’s their idea. It’s something they are passionate about.
So, what about you?
What stops you from executing your big ideas?
Is it because, like most people, you feel overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start?
If so, I hope the three things we suggest in this post will help. Beginning with starting where you are.
Simple and Effective
In addition to starting where you are, you should dwell on what you’ve got (instead of what you don’t have), and then get your mind to focus on the idea that you want to execute.
As Bob explains in the video, when you do those three things, you will attract everything you need to execute your idea.
Starting where you are and getting your mind to focus are self-explanatory.
And thinking about what you have is relatively straightforward. However, I’d like to remind you of something you’ve had in the past that can make this process go far more smoothly…
Recall a Confident State of Mind
A big part of any success is having the right mindset—the one you have each time you accomplish something significant.
The next time you have an awesome idea, think of a time in your life when you achieved something that you initially didn’t believe you could do…
Maybe you graduated Summa Cum Laude from college, overcame a significant health challenge, or changed careers and enjoyed tremendous success.
Now, recapture the state of mind you had when you succeeded. I’m not talking about the elation you felt after you had “arrived.” I’m talking about the steady, confident feeling you had when you realized you were going to succeed.
Recall how you felt when you knew that you were more than capable of doing what was necessary to reach your goal.
Now, connect the dots when you started the process to the time you finished. Jot down a timeline with as many details and surrounding circumstances as you can about the sequence of the tasks you took on, your level of commitment, and the mindset you had along the journey.
While no two projects are the same, this “success timeline” can tell you quite a bit about what it will take to achieve your current goal. Spend some time thinking about how you can apply what you did and what you learned from your past to implementing your new idea.
Then, think about this:
If you knew you couldn’t fail if you made a committed decision to turn your idea into a reality…
How would you feel? How would you act? What would be your state of mind as you launched into it?
Do whatever it takes to fix your attention on that and let this be your working frame of mind as often as possible. You will know when you reach the desired state of mind because you will feel a surge of energy and excitement to get started.
Seize Your Moment
Make this the day that you commit to one of your big ideas, even if it all seems a little overwhelming.
Break your big, scary idea down into several little goals. Then, set a deadline for achieving the first goal. A deadline focuses your attention, it motivates you, and it keeps your momentum going.
Never forget that you have greatness inside you. So, don’t let a game-changing idea go undiscovered. Commit to it, get focused and, then, do what you already know how to do.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher