How the Law of Attraction Works

I hope you’ll watch this video over and over again because, as Bob says, the Law of Attraction is always working. Our goal with this, and upcoming videos and blog posts, is to help you understand how to work in harmony with this Law so it works in your favor.

The stickperson diagram and explanation in the video do a wonderful job of illustrating that you are living simultaneously on three distinct planes:

  1. The Spiritual Plane of Thoughts (Highest Potential)
  2. The Intellectual Plane of Ideas (Middle Potential)
  3. The Physical Plane of Results (Lowest Potential)

It’s really important that you understand that because it holds the key to understanding how to work with the Law of Attraction properly.

You see, to attract what you want, you must work from the highest (the spiritual plane) to the lowest potential (the physical plane), which may be different than what you are doing now or have done in the past.

Right now, you might look at a present result in your life and then let that result dictate the thoughts you use to build an idea. Looking at your present results causes you to think certain thoughts, which produce feelings. Those feelings cause actions and the actions produce a result. The problem is it’s the SAME result, and you keep producing it over and over again.

For instance, if you see that your bank account is low (a result), you will choose to think thoughts of lack and loss and then you will use those thoughts to build an idea of poverty.

However, since the idea you are holding in your mind must manifest in your future results, you are actually bringing about a repeat performance of the very thing you say you don’t want: namely, a low balance in your bank account.

But if you want to attract money, here’s what you should do instead…

Look at the result (the low bank account) and say, “Hmmm…I don’t think that’s what I want.”
Then begin to think of what you do want. Build the idea—the image—of thousands of dollars in your bank account. Your thoughts of what you want produce feelings, the feelings cause actions and the actions produce a NEW result.

This is the foundation of how the Law of Attraction works.  There is, of course, another factor in play—the paradigm. Bob will cover replacing the paradigm in another video lesson, but in the meantime, here are two things that will help you keep the Law of Attraction working in your favor.

First, stop focusing on unwanted present results and start focusing on what you want. Keep the following sequence in mind as you go through your day:

Thoughts → Feelings → Actions → Results

Second, practice being aware of how you’re feeling in any given moment. If you’re feeling bad, recognize it’s because you’re having negative thoughts. Then quickly change what you’re thinking about so that your vibration changes.

The fastest way to do that is to practice gratitude. Expressing gratitude instantly shifts your feeling, which puts you in vibrational harmony with your source of supply so that the good in everything moves toward you.

Practice just those two things for a week and I’m sure you’ll see your life start to shift.

To more and better,

Sandy Gallagher
CEO & Co-Founder
Proctor Gallagher Institute