Bring More of YOU to the Surface in 2016

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Setting a big goal like I described in the video can do so many incredible things for you. Because it brings more of you to the surface, you enjoy everything you do more.

However, I have to caution you…

You’re going to need more than desire to achieve it. You also have to believe you are able to do it.

Theology indicates that our potential is unlimited. And science has confirmed that every human being is literally “engineered for success.”

This means any beliefs you have that you can’t do the wonderful thing that is grabbing at your heart are in error. They are flat out wrong.

Your disbelief “jams” the “success mechanism” in you. It keeps it from doing its work.

Fortunately, starting to believe and trust that you are wired for success—no matter how big the goal is—can be a lot easier than most people think.

For instance, you can make great strides just be studying just one chapter of a really good book, like Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz or Working With The Law by Raymond Holliwell.

As you’re building your understanding of your success mechanism, keep the following in mind:

• You won’t be aware of what is going on beneath the surface because your success mechanism operates below the level of consciousness.

• You’ll have no guarantees in advance. It operates according to the present need.

•It responds to your actions. So you must not wait to act until you have proof—you must act as if it is there, and it will come through.

When you believe you are able to achieve your goal and you’re willing to act, the laws of the universe kick in and the goal begins to move into physical form, with and through you.

So go ahead—commit to do something you have previously only imagined. Then, write and re-write your goal in the way I suggested in the video. That will jumpstart your success mechanism so it can do its good and perfect work.

To your success,

Bob Proctor