Contentedly Wandering

Today is one of those rare days when I don’t have a list of scheduled things to do. My client meetings are done and I now have a lovely open afternoon.

Of course, I could use this time to catch up on things (there’s always something to do), but that’s not where my brain is today. Today I’m focusing on “being present”. Not thinking about the past or the future, but just being aware of right now. When I tune in to myself in the “now”, I find that it’s time to wander and do whatever will nourish me.

So, this lovely spring afternoon, I will contentedly wander from activity to activity. No “shoulds” or schedules, just wander. I may take a walk, read a novel, take a nap, or sit on a swing in the shade and enjoy the lush, green beauty of the yard. Most of all, I will enjoy the luxury of unscheduled time.

I’ve realized that my body and brain are much like a battery, always running and putting energy into things. However, just like a battery, they will run down and eventually stop if they don’t have recharging time. The time I take to “be in the moment” and do whatever feels right, is my recharging time.

So today I’m reflecting on how important it is to have “nothing” minutes, hours or days, where I can relax, play, contentedly wander, and recharge my body and soul.

How about you?

Sandy Abell

Sandy Abell is an author, speaker, and Licensed Counselor. She specializes in working with professionals, entrepreneurs, and people dealing with life transitions, and is the author of several books.

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