3 Ways to Activate Your Wealth Potential – Starting TODAY

Almost everything we see, touch and use on a daily basis is the direct result of some wonderful human being’s power of thought. Want proof? Just look around you.

Most people can readily accept this as true, up to a certain point. But when it comes to their own lives, and in particular their financial status, there’s a tendency to believe that some other force is responsible. People point to luck… intelligence… education… circumstances… career choice… or any number of other factors as the determinant of their wealth, or lack thereof.

The fact is, what’s true of the automobile, the light bulb, the desktop computer and just about everything else that impacts your life on a daily basis is also true of money: how much you have of it is a direct result of your thoughts.

You were born RICH

Now, this is wonderful news. It means that you already have what it takes—ALL it takes—to become wealthy. No matter where you come from or what you’ve done so far, you inherently possess the source from which all wealth is generated. You were born rich, quite literally. You have a veritable bank in your brain!

So… how do you unlock it?

The first step is to understand what it means to say that wealth begins in your mind. It’s not a mere matter of thinking positive thoughts or simply wanting to be rich. It’s an immutable law of the universe that you must first have something mentally before you can have it physically. In other words, you have to actually create, in your imagination, the money you want. It has to be as real to you there as anything you can see and touch on the outside.

In my You Were Born Rich seminar, one of the first things I do is help people to create the kind of internal environment of financial abundance and success that will ultimately manifest in outward material riches.

Here are 3 of the most powerful ways to do so:

  1. Identify your money programming

    Almost everyone consciously wants to be rich. Only a fraction of them actually are. Part of the reason is deep-seated negative programming about money: ideas like, “Money is the root of all evil,” “Money can’t buy happiness,” or, “There’s nobility in poverty,” – or a general feeling that wanting to be rich is somehow bad or greedy.How comfortable are you stating, right out loud, your desire for wealth? How comfortable would you feel stating that desire to your parents, your grandparents, your siblings or close friends? If you feel any hesitation, any squeamishness or guilt, then you need to look within, find out why and start changing the script to reflect positive beliefs. A great one is: “Money is a tool which allows me the freedom to enjoy life and give generously.”

  2. Live in an economy of one

    Another thing that can “get inside your head” and block your ability to attract and generate wealth is negative chatter about money. Headlines and news reports that bemoan the state of the economy; people who bombard you with stories of lack and limitation. The truth is, plenty of men and women get and stay wealthy in economic downturns and bad markets—in large part because they simply do not allow those external circumstances to penetrate and disrupt their internal mindset and vision.Choose to turn away from and tune out these kinds of fear-based influences. Focus on your own personal economy instead, and always see it as vibrant, healthy and limitlessly abundant. If you do, then that’s exactly what it will be!

  3. Think rich

    As I said before, you must first have something mentally before you can have it physically. If rich is what you want to be, this means you must imagine yourself to already BE rich, vividly and in great detail, at all times. This simple and very fun exercise has an enormously powerful impact. Because your subconscious mind can’t distinguish between actually doing something and simply visualizing it, it will accept your imagined reality as true, and begin navigating the world accordingly.What are some of the things you’d do if you had great wealth? Think of a few, then—in your mind—DO them. Practice this game consistently, and take note of the results. I guarantee that if you do so faithfully, you’ll begin seeing the opportunities a wealthy person would see, and taking the actions a wealthy person would take. And very soon, you’ll find yourself reaping the financial rewards they reap.