So do you.
To continue to grow, though, we must upgrade our paradigms.
Unfortunately, it’s not always obvious what our paradigms are, making it difficult to make the necessary adjustments.
The following are five common but often subtle paradigms that affect the outcomes of our lives. Take a look to see if any might be shaping your life and how you can start to shift them to allow you to start creating the life and experiences you want:
1. Paradigm: I’m not confident, so I’m not going to do it.
When you’re doing something familiar and good at it, you have a confident stride and a calm demeanor.
However, when you’re facing something new, whether pursuing a goal, speaking in public, or changing careers, you make excuses for why you can’t or shouldn’t do it. And you look for conditions and circumstances that validate your decision to stay where you are.
This paradigm is often hard to see because most of us naturally shy away from the unknown. Take an honest look at your life to see if you let insecurity in one or more areas of your life prevent you from living fully.
A New Perspective: I am bigger than any feeling or experience.
It’s natural to want to experience new things. Religious texts tell us that we were created in God’s image, and we are “a little lower than the angels.”
If you think your desires aren’t important or have an image in your mind of yourself as doomed to fail, that’s a false idea that you must let go. While it’s normal to feel insecure when facing new things, recognize that you’re a spiritual being that is bigger and more powerful than any feeling or experience.
When you have a strong desire to do, create, or express something, that longing is divine discontent. Its Spirit is calling you to bring more of yourself to the surface.
Don’t let fear or discomfort keep you from your future. Instead of letting it define or limit you, let it lift you by expecting an eventual and inevitable positive outcome.
2. Paradigm: I’ll never be financially secure.
You and your family live comfortably, and you’ve accumulated some savings. However, a home, car, or medical emergency could do you in. And that worries you.
You sometimes get frustrated because even though you work hard, your income isn’t increasing enough to give you peace of mind—and you’re afraid it never will.
A New Perspective: I am excited about my financial prospects.
You can earn more money than you’ve ever dreamed of. However, you can’t do it by talking about, thinking, or feeling you’ll never make the money you need to feel secure.
Dwelling on your current income keeps it right where it is. The Universe responds to your beliefs and what you focus on.
Increased income can come only from positive and the right thinking and well-conceived and properly executed plans.
Start by getting a sheet of paper and writing down all the negative beliefs you have about money and your ability to earn the amount you want. Then, let those beliefs go by shredding or burning the paper.
Re-direct your mind to develop a prosperity consciousness, open your mind to new possibilities, and the money you desire will be yours.
3. Paradigm: One day, I’ll…
You’re not where you want to be right now, and you often say to yourself, “One day when life is better, I’ll start a business… write a book… start a new career.”
This belief system will hit home for you if, on some level, you have given up on your goals. You may have a “why bother” kind of attitude.
A New Perspective: Today, I’ll do something that excites and inspires me.
One day—that wonderful time when all your ducks are lined up in a perfect row—will never come. If you wish to create the life you want, your power is always at this moment.
When you act on what you want today, you let the Universe know you’re serious about growing, achieving your goals, and living your best life.
So, if you are waiting for the perfect time to do what you want to do, stop wasting your life and get in the game. Start meeting life where you are now, take one step at a time, and you’ll build momentum over time. If you do that, a year from now, your life will be totally different.
4. Paradigm: I can’t.
When you face a new opportunity—job, business, new home, relationship, you are initially excited. But then, you think about it for a while, and then you say, “I can’t do it.”
You justify your decision with reasons like it’s bad timing, I need more training, or I don’t have enough money.
A New Perspective: If I really want it, I can do it.
If you look more closely at the things you say you can’t do, the truth behind it likely is, “I’m afraid,” “I’m not good enough,” “I don’t want to do what is required,” or “I don’t know how.”
You are God’s highest form of creation. You can imagine and create any life you want. You just have to choose what you want and get emotionally involved with the image by thinking and FEELING what it will be like to be that person as often as possible.
As you go through your day, focus only on what you want. Also, develop a new way of speaking to yourself and others. Otherwise, you will continue to sabotage yourself with negative self-talk.
5. Paradigm: Something’s going to go wrong.
Even when things are going well in your life, you feel like you have to keep your guard up.
You often let the fear of one thing going wrong make you miss out on or not fully appreciate the 99 things that are going well. That’s because, in the back of your mind, you think it’s inevitable that something terrible will happen that can leave you feeling lost or devastated.
This paradigm is pervasive; however, it is subtly different for everyone. So, don’t automatically push it aside if, at first blush, you don’t think it applies to you. Sit with it for a while to see if anything comes up.
A New Perspective: Every moment is an opportunity to grow.
We human beings are conditioned to think that something’s going to go wrong. It’s an unconscious tendency we have…until we decide to change it.
Life is not static. It’s always changing. Some form of suffering is inevitable. It’s how we deal with suffering that matters. Instead of letting it devour you, ride it straight into the brightness.
Let your obstacle become your mentor. Let your pain become your opportunity. If you teach yourself to look at problems, failures, and shortcomings as opportunities to grow, then you’ll start to look at everything—every moment—differently.
The law of our being is to know more, to do more, and to be more. No one will give you permission to live. Live like you really mean it right now.
No matter how many of these paradigms you can relate to, you can shift to a new way of thinking.
The power of changing your perspective
What do you see when you look at the illustration below?
At first, you might see a young lady. However, if you shift your perspective, you’ll see an older woman.
Whatever you perceive to be true about the illustration (i.e., it’s a young lady or an older woman) affects how you think, feel, and respond to it.
That’s the power of accepting a new perspective of your paradigm. It allows you to expand your mind, see new possibilities, and give more to the world.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher