How to Create Positive Affirmations that Work

Many people think affirmations don’t work. But that’s not true; they do work. Unfortunately, much of what we affirm each day is negative and therefore doesn’t create good experiences for us. But you can create affirmations that attract very enjoyable experiences into your life. Sandy Gallagher explains, step by step, how to create positive affirmations that manifest your desires.

The Law of Vibration

Most people don’t fully understand how the Law of Attraction works, and so they fall short when trying to use it to get what they want in life. Sandy Gallagher explains the Law of Vibration, and why you can’t attract what you want until you are in harmony with it.

You Were Born Rich

Bob Proctor delivers You Were Born Rich, the program that has been at the center of his teachings for decades. The basic foundation of the program is that there is a creative energy in the universe which “interacts” with our thoughts in order to bring to the physical plane what is in our mind.

How to Create a Winner’s Self-Image

Scientists and psychologists have determined that a person’s self-image is the primary cause of success and failure in life. Sandra Gallagher explains how to create the self-image of a winner so you can be more successful in every area of your life.

The Thin Line Between Persistence and Stubbornness

It’s important to develop persistence in order to reach your goals. But there’s a negative side of persistence that leads to destructive behavior. Sandra Gallagher explains the difference between the two, and how to make sure your persistence works for you rather than against you.

What’s a Paradigm?

You can’t protect yourself, avoid, or outperform a paradigm (habitual way of thinking). But you can make sure it works for you rather than against you. Sandra Gallagher explains how…