Enough Is Enough

What does it take to make you happy? How much do you have to have to be grateful? To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of old shoes. To the man with old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it’s more stylish shoes. And, of course, the fellow with no feet would …

Dream Training

On the last day of the January 2014 Matrix event, I asked Bob Proctor “How many of his students wished they had his teachings when they were a kid?” and his response was not surprisingly “Everyone!” My vision is to teach a generation of young people how to lock in on a big dream and to achieve it. Too many …

The Power of the Heart

Most of my adult life, I’ve thought of my heart as just an organ in my body that thrived on low-cholesterol foods and occasional daily exercise. I also believed if I didn’t take care of my heart, I would die early, the way my father did at age 56. My view of my heart, however, changed recently when I watched …

Seek Happiness

Even though I was only seven years old, my childhood ended abruptly on April 17, 1975. That was the day the Communist Khmer Rouge guerilla forces captured the city of Phnom Penh and Cambodia fell under the control of a murderous regime whose reign of terror resulted in the deaths of almost two million Cambodians. As the mostly teen-aged soldiers …

Shattered Dreams Have The Power To Change Our Lives For Good

“Everyone needs wishes and dreams, because the bridge you build between them and reality is your life.” (Marilyn Bagel) Many people are afraid to dream, either they simply don’t know how to, or more often because they are mired in only knowing how to color within their comfortable world-view box. So many of us are afraid to color outside our …

I Dream My Life, Then Live My Dream

Holding the chortling newborn for the first time, my aunt whispered between goo-goos and ga-gas, “You’re gonna have a good life. I can just feel it.” Later, she said I had an indisputable cheerfulness and positivity evident even in diapers. Although her words foretold the truth, it wasn’t always apparent to me. Growing up the middle child, I endlessly cleaned …

My C Type Goal

Have you ever wondered what’s out there for you? What does God (or the universe) have in store for you? You know, deep down, there’s more in you to give, but you have no idea what it is. It goes beyond discovering your “why” or your “purpose,”; it’s in the realm of wanting to contribute to something that really makes …

Unwavering Strength

“There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Winnie the Pooh Tears streamed down my face as I once again said goodbye to my soul mate. I had cried often and long in the past five years but this time the tears were in celebration, …

Unconditional Love a Father’s Story

If you are a parent, then you know exactly what it means to have unconditional love. From the moment you know about your child’s existence your heart is on fire with excitement and love. We dream about the amazing lives our children will have and the joy and wonder they will remind us exists. My story is no different. My …