We all know someone who feels unhappy, frustrated, or even numb. They are losing themselves to a life from which they simply cannot break free. No matter how they try, they can’t change their situation. Or maybe they have reached the point of giving up and staying stuck. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I hear, …
The Power in Me
When my daughter Samara was 8, she wrote a poem as a song for some friends who were thinking of starting a band. When she showed it to her mom she said, “Don’t show it to Daddy because he will want to read it on the radio.” She was right. I did want to share it, but she asked me …
Understanding the Power of Paradigms
By Bob Proctor Paradigms — what are they? Is it a buzzword for the information age? It very well may be, but it’s one you need to seriously consider. Because if you’re like most people, paradigms are controlling every move you make. Paradigms are a multitude of habits that guide every move you make. They affect the way you eat, …
Gratitude, Gifting, and Growth for the New Year
Most people wait until January 1st to go after their goals for the New Year. If you’re planning to coast into 2022, this post will open your eyes to a novel approach that can transform how you view—and behave—the next few weeks…
A 7-Day Challenge to Build Your Capacity for Gratitude
Want to build your capacity for gratitude so you can attract more things to be grateful for into your life? These seven gratitude challenges can do it…
Keep Yourself Disciplined
Keeping yourself disciplined as you work toward a goal is critical. Yet, many people don’t understand what discipline is or how to get and keep it. Would you like to be more disciplined? Find out how to do it here…
How to Think Bigger & Dream Again
Do you believe you can achieve your dreams? If you’re like most people, the answer is no. However, if you’re ready for that to change, this shows you how…
Let Go of What No Longer Serves You
Do you sometimes struggle with letting things that no longer serve you go? Developing this simple habit helps you turn things around…
Know and Own Your Worth
If you knew what you were worth, would you settle for anything less? Find out here…
Break Down Your Financial Goals
Most people would like to earn a lot more money, but they don’t know how to make it happen As a result, they do very little or nothing at all. However, this little mind trick makes it easier to start and keep marching toward any financial goal…