There’s no such thing as an overnight. It requires drive, hard work and persistence. However, it can be greatly influenced and accelerated by doing this…
The Nature of Vibration
Our lives are constantly in motion energetically. As dynamic as that energy is, it is not haphazard. It is precise and predictable. You can use that information to your advantage by understanding what’s happening and doing this…
The Power of Repetition in Shifting a Paradigm
If you’d like to create breakthrough results in an area of your life, Bob Proctor explains how to use repetition to get what you want.
What Is Self-Love?
What is self-love and how can you develop more of it? Find out here…
How to Shift a Paradigm
If you have ever felt stuck or discouraged by the loftiness of your dreams, this podcast interview with Bob Proctor offers realistic hope for the future. Find out how to get the Law of Attraction and your paradigm to work for you, rather than against you, in achieving your dreams…
Attract the Person You Dream About Now
You don’t find love; you tune into it. And, you can deliberately tune into the frequency that is just right for you. The process is fun, simple and it works. Find out how to do it now…
Joy Is Your Highest Purpose
We all share the universal urge to be happy. What can you do to ensure your happiness? It’s something you might not expect…
How to Create a Compelling Life Script
Want to make some significant changes, live with more purpose, or simply enjoy a better life? Here’s an underutilized tool that will help you do it…
Change Your Paradigm Change Your Life
Would you like to be able to shape your future? You can by saying “yes” to two short questions…
Make a Quantum Leap in Your Growth
Most people assume success is a gradual process, coming one step at a time. However, life doesn’t always have to operate that way. Sometimes you can skip levels, moving from your current level of achievement to one that is several stages higher.