How would you like to become a millionaire? That should bring a smile to your face. If you are like most people, you’re secretly thinking, “Sure I would – that would be really nice. But I would have to win the lottery to do it.” Well, winning the lottery is one way of becoming a millionaire, but the odds stacked …
How an Attitude of Gratitude Changes Everything
Most people know that it’s good to be grateful, but many misunderstand what gratitude really does for us. Bob Proctor explains the benefits of expressing gratitude and provides a print-ready daily gratitude exercise that you can use to improve your life.
Develop Your Imagination
The imagination/creative faculty is extremely powerful. In fact, you are creating every moment. Bob Proctor discusses how to use your imagination to get what you want instead of what you don’t want.
How to Change a Paradigm
Bob Proctor explains how paradigms–a multitude of habits that are lodged in your subconscious mind—affect your behavior and your results. He also explains how to shift a paradigm to change your life forever.
9 Ways to Free Your Mind of Negative Influences
Want to free your mind of negative influences to be happier and attract better experiences in your life? Here are 9 simple ways to do it.
Understanding the Seven Levels of Awareness
If you’ve tried to focus on a goal before but failed, this eye-opening information helps you clearly see what adjustments you need to make to your thinking process to finally reach your goal…
Understanding Your Paradigm
Not sure what a paradigm is, how yours affects your life, or how to change it? Get the answers here…
Living in Harmony with the Vacuum Law of Prosperity
You may have heard of the Laws of Attraction, Cause and Effect, or Gestation. However, understanding the Vacuum Law of Prosperity can start to change your life quickly, and it can be summed up in a single sentence. Find out what it is here…
What Do You Really, Really Want?
Bob used to ask that question all the time. And here’s why… First, you can be, do, or have anything you decide that you truly want. And second, if you’d like to improve your life significantly, you need a desire that is so inspiring that it pulls you forward each day. That’s important because, instead of just wishing or sitting …
Your Self-Image and Your Goals Go Hand In Hand
There’s a good chance you have a major stumbling block standing between you and the life of your dreams. Find out what it is and how to overcome it…