Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

Just about everyone struggles at times with letting go…

Whether it’s wanting to let go of a job that provides a nice, steady paycheck but has a draining environment, a business idea that just isn’t taking off, or a relationship that isn’t serving our needs.

Or sometimes we’re excited about moving forward with something — achieving a goal, getting in shape, or writing a book — only to find we continue to stand still. We’re doing everything we should be doing, or so it seems, but something is holding us back.

And then there are the people who seem to WANT to hang on to something that’s bothering them. Whether it’s something they’ve failed or something someone said to or about them, they talk about it every chance they get.

A Terrible Error

Holding on to things that no longer serve us creates suffering because what we focus on, brood about, or fixate on grows.

Yet, it “seems” comforting and familiar to hold on to these things. We’re afraid there will be a void, or they will not be replaced with something better if we let go.

But the truth is, the universe abhors a vacuum. If you make space by letting go of something, the void will be filled by something you are focusing on.

So, do you know what you should do?

Whenever something happens to you or enters your life, ask, “Is this serving me?”

If the answer is ‘no,’ let it go.

It can be as simple as dropping the thought, the emotion, or circumstance that is taking up residency within you and replacing it with something—or the idea of something—that will serve you, something you want.

That’s the beautiful thing about having an inductive reasoning factor. You can accept or reject any thoughts, ideas, and concepts that enter your conscious mind and generate new ideas.

It’s always your choice.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

I often hear people talking about how mundane their lives have become because they do the same things every day.

When prompted, many of these same people don’t believe that laws govern our results or that humans have higher mental faculties to create the life and environment they want. So, they miss out on the new possibilities that are available to them.

When you live life from the inside out, you begin to experience magical synchronicities. Instead of becoming attached to things that are no longer serving you, you live from a place of expectancy that is seeded in infinite possibilities.

There are so many possibilities for events, resources, and circumstances to unfold in your life. However, they only come when you get comfortable with being uncomfortable and you detach both mentally and emotionally from your current situation.

It’s Clear

I’m not going to go on about this for long because I don’t think it’s necessary.

I just want you to be clear that if you’re holding on to ANYTHING that is not serving you, you will cause all kinds of problems for yourself.

I also don’t want you to fall into the trap or make a habit of blaming other people, things, or the situation.

You know, Ray Stanford, the man who gave me the book Think and Grow Rich, told me, “Bob, you are the only problem you have, and you are the only solution.”

It took me a while to figure out what he meant, but he was right.

YOU are the only problem you’ll ever have, and YOU are the only solution.

Just stand in and operate from the place of firm knowledge and understanding of two things:

First, letting go of people, things, and situations that don’t serve you—no matter how comfortable they might make you feel—makes room for you to succeed and prosper.

And second, everything you truly want and need will be delivered to you when you make room for it and get in harmony with it.

To your success,

Bob Proctor