Although we may have never met, I know a lot about you.
I know you are the highest form of creation on the planet.
I know, that unlike any other creature on Earth, you can create any environment you want.
I know you always work from the highest to the lowest potential—from your mind to your body.
And I know exactly how your mind works.
Many psychiatrists and psychologists don’t understand how the mind really works. So if you take the initiative and start to study and understand your mind—and how natural laws work, you’ll be way ahead of the game in creating a better life for yourself.
In fact, when you truly understand yourself, and you choose to think differently, your life will change like night and day.
So, I want you to watch this video often enough that when you do find yourself starting to feel fearful or anxious, it triggers you to choose another thought automatically. You’ll think of something you’re grateful for, for example, or an outcome you want—anything to put you in a more positive vibration.
When you reach that point in your understanding, you will stop focusing on effects and start addressing causes.
You’ll start controlling the flow of the thought energy that is always flowing to and through you by choosing thoughts that you make you feel good and at ease.
And you’ll let only coherent, positive energy flow freely through you, improving everything with which it connects.
Which side are you going to lock onto?
This post is about ignorance versus understanding.
On the ignorance side, you have negative thoughts, anxiety, and disintegration. And on the understanding side, you have positive thoughts, faith, and creation.
Understanding can be developed in only two ways: through studying books or working with a mentor. You can’t buy it, you can’t inherit it, and nobody can give it to you.
Understanding is vital to your overall happiness and success because it allows us to work with the natural creative process to create the good that we desire in life.
Forget about “the how”
As you start to understand how your marvelous mind operates, you can eliminate anxiety and replace it with something far more beautiful—faith.
When you have faith, you see what you want coming to you even though you have no idea how it’s going to happen.
Faith is expressed on the physical plane. You can see it in the way people talk, the way they walk and the way they treat themselves and other people.
You won’t be able to fully grasp this information in just one, two or three passes. So, again, watch the video over and over, and study the graphics that are in the download below. Then, not only will anxiety (and other destructive states) start to disappear from your life, but you’ll also be more in control of the results you get in life.
To your success,
Bob Proctor