Let’s Be Positive

Recently I’ve noticed that people seem to be fascinated by the negative. Reality TV shows are more successful when they pit people against each other, the news and government are all about blaming, and people like to gossip about sad/unfortunate things that happen to others.

Often when people receive excellent customer service, or really like something they’ve read or watched, they rarely say thank you or let anyone know how much they appreciate their efforts. However, when people are dissatisfied with something, they go out of their way to loudly criticize, complain, blame, and let everyone know how unhappy they are.

Why is this? I don’t understand why some people seem happier when they are negatively judging and criticizing then when they are acknowledging and appreciating. I wonder if they forget that in being negative they are hurting actual human beings, who have feelings and usually have good intentions.

I believe that most people are positive and find the good, but for some reason don’t say anything. Maybe they think that others will step up with appreciation, so they don’t need to make the effort. However, if we all wait for others to give the positive, nobody will do anything, and only the negativity will be heard.

So, this month I’m focusing on finding the good, verbalizing it, being appreciative and acknowledging people and their efforts. Actually speaking up, making the phone call, writing the note, posting on social media, and thanking others for who they are and what they do.

It’s true that we manifest and bring into our lives whatever we focus on, so let’s make it about the positive and the good.

Sandy Abell

Sandy is a life and business coach, author, speaker, and Licensed Counselor. She specializes in working with professionals, entrepreneurs and people dealing with life transitions, and is the author of the Amazon bestseller Feeling Good About You and Moving Up To Management for New Supervisors. Please visit Sandy on her website at www.insidejobscoach.com and sign up for her free newsletter. Feeling Good About You Newsletter.