The Goal Achiever
You probably have known people who’ve expressed regret for not having gone somewhere, done, or been something else. They say things like, “I wish I would have gone to…” or “I always wanted to…” or maybe even confess, “I never wanted to be a…I wish I would have studied to be a…instead.”
“I wish I woulda…” Who hasn’t said that at least once?
You also crossed paths with people who taught you a little about setting some goals for yourself. When you lamented you “wished you woulda,” they told you to just set a goal and then find a way to get it done. Sounded simple enough, right?
The thing is, anyone can set a goal. Actually achieving it… Making it truly happen is where things fall apart. It really is something you can turn around, if you know how.
Achieving a goal is simply a matter of understanding. Most of how you think comes from your environment and upbringing. Understanding what you think, why you think that way, and how you process what you think is vital to becoming an achiever and not just a setter of goals.
There are actually only 7 things you’ll need to learn to unleash the achiever in you. You may know how to set a goal, but today…right now, you’re going to see how simple and easy it will be to achieve every goal you set going forward.

Your first goal is about to be achieved right now…
They were good friends in the same high school graduating class. Her name was May. His name was Sam. They lived with their families in similar homes, except May’s was a bit larger. Sam’s dad drove an older model Ford. May’s family had 2 newer SUVs.
During their years in school, they shared their dreams and aspirations. Sam wanted to be on the H.S. football team and maybe even go pro. He had made the team…but as the equipment manager. May wanted to be a TV reporter. While there were no opportunities at school, she did volunteer at the local TV station after class and on weekends…as a reporter apprentice.
They stayed in touch initially after graduation. Then college life got busy and they didn’t have time. At the 5 year high school class reunion, they were happy to catch up. May studied communications and worked at the on campus TV station as a reporter before being assigned as an anchor in her senior year. And to top it off, she had just received an offer from a TV station to start as a street reporter. May was on her way to achieving her dream.
Sam didn’t make the college football team. Instead he studied business and was now working at the company where his mom worked. Sam was further than ever from playing football. He did confess to her his real secret desire in high school. “Wish I woulda been the quarterback.” So what was the difference?
Both May’s dad and Sam’s dad had dreams and aspirations too. While Sam’s dad set a few goals for himself…when they didn’t work out, he just gave up. May’s dad, on the other hand, didn’t quit. He wanted to know why he wasn’t reaching his goals and went looking for an answer. He searched until he found it. It’s what you, too, are about to discover.
He passed on what he learned about making goals become real to May. But Sam’s dad didn’t. So Sam could only set his goals and every so often, with a little luck, he reached one.
You are on the brink of knowing the things you need to be like May and her dad. You realize you have goals. But, you just don’t know why you’re not able to make them happen. To your credit…you are on the hunt for an answer.
Well, congratulations. Like May’s dad…You have found the absolute most successful program for helping people change from just a goal setter to being a goal getter.
You did it! Goal set. Check. Goal achieved. Done.

Inspired by the Legacy of Bob Proctor
Carrying forward the wisdom of our late co-founder, Bob Proctor, the Goal Achiever Program is more than just a set of principles; it’s a tribute to his lifetime of work in helping people realize their fullest potential. The 2024 edition of the program blends Bob’s timeless strategies with contemporary insights in personal development.
The Goal Achiever program is the most effective Goal Setting and Goal Achieving program in the world. It covers all the critical points and lessons required to become a true Goal Achiever.

Testimonials from Our Achievers
Hear from our 2023 graduates about how the Goal Achiever Program has been a catalyst in transforming their lives. Sandra H., Clarence R., and J.T.K. share their life-changing experiences and how the program helped them focus and achieve their dreams.
“This program by Bob Proctor … is excellent! The program has a workbook to help you go through the steps necessary to achieve your goals. I like how we are shown HOW to pick a GOAL or a DREAM out of the many we may have.- Sandra H.
I had so many goals that I was like a diffused light….having a huge number of goals and not knowing how to focus or where to start. I was working and focusing on too many at one time. I could not achieve any…almost a reality but then I would shift to another. Like a juggler….every goal in my mind…up in the air and not one achievable. Frustrated and defeated I felt insecure and confused.
This IS a very inspiring, informative program! I AM finally focused and working towards my goal. The program walks you step by step through a process so that YOU can be a GOAL ACHIEVER! Clear and easy to understand….”
ONE OF THE BEST!- Clarence R.
“It was life transforming…the difference for me is that I kept studying and applying the information in my life…and working with the principles…- J.T.K.
It changed my life…it saved my life and it seems that everything I am trying now, just works.”
These comments represent many that come from countless participants of The Goal Achiever program.

Your Program will Cover Specific Topics Such As . . .
- Use a systematic approach to decide what you truly want. Then choose your goal accordingly.
- Explore and eliminate the life-long conditioning keeping you from achieving your goals.
- Identify the goals you absolutely don’t want, and easily remove them from your attention.
- Learn and apply each of the Laws of the Universe for unfailing success.
- Cultivate and apply the approach and vigor that attracts the assistance needed to achieve your goals.
- Prioritize your goal list, regardless of how many goals you have…5 to 5,000.
- Understand the timeline of goals. Without a timeline…you’ll not achieve it.
- Learn the seven secrets behind every great Goal Achiever. Bob Proctor walks you through each and every concept explaining by making these changes, you can live the life you want instead of “wishing you woulda…”
Sounds just like what you’re looking for, right?
Don’t put it off any longer. Click here and get started right now.

Program Details
The Goal Achiever Program, now fully digital and easily accessible, offers the most comprehensive and effective approach to setting and achieving your goals. It includes:
- A digital workbook with seminar outlines for your personal notes.
- Access to the complete seminar in digital format for your listening and learning convenience.
- Entry to our online community for ongoing support and inspiration.
Don’t be like Sam. Stop living your life thinking “I wish I woulda…” Instead, be a May.
Go ahead — set a goal…but this time, after taking the program, you’ll know exactly what to do to actually achieve it from now on.
You’re worth the minimal investment you’ll make to get The Goal Achiever program. Once you have it, listen to it as many times as you want. Implement the concepts into your own life. And then just experience the joy and excitement that comes from seeing your goals coming true.
It doesn’t take long at all for you to see results.
Here’s to your success!
P.S. Order the program…follow each detail…implement the concepts into your life. Do those 3 things… and you will experience the change you want. You will stop being a goal setter and become a Goal Achiever. It’s that simple.
Enroll Now
Transform from a goal setter to a goal achiever. For just $249, embark on a journey that will change the way you perceive and achieve your goals.