The “Art of Giving”: A Key Component to Success

People often wonder why some individuals get ahead in life and excel in everything they do while others question why they don’t get better results & they struggle. What is the secret to living a successful life? There is a key ingredient to being successful but interestingly enough it is not what most people would think. Although there are many …

An Unstoppable Woman

For most people, corporate success would be enough, but thankfully Cynthia Kersey isn’t most people. Starting at Sprint, Kersey’s career progressed to the top of her field, selling and managing a $30m account and achieving a six-figure income, but she wasn’t fulfilled or passionate about her life. Bravely, she stepped aside from these trappings to achieve her first goal of …

An Unstoppable Story

I have built into what you are about to read a huge idea that you and I can do together… and believe me it will change your life as much as it has mine….Bob Proctor “When we learn, teach. When we get, give.” Those beautiful and powerful words come from the great Maya Angelou. I love them. Don’t you? Over …