When I was a child my self-esteem was really low. My little sister was cute, smart, easy-going and funny, and everybody loved her. I probably resented the fact that she came along when I was two and “stole” my parent’s attention. In response, I decided there must be something wrong with me and that I was un-loveable. I then became …
Keep Your Inner Child Alive
When we were children, we loved our imagination and used it go anywhere and do anything we wanted. However, we started to stifle our imagination and our creativity when we went to school. Discover five tips for reawakening your inner child, no matter how old you are…
What Is Self-Love?
What is self-love and how can you develop more of it? Find out here…
You ARE Worthy of Love
If you ever feel unworthy of love, do this…
How to Identify Your Strengths and Gifts
Everyone has strengths and gifts. Unfortunately, most people have difficulty naming theirs. Here are three ways to identify yours…
Spread the Love
Many people go through life without paying attention. Days, weeks and months go by with little acknowledgment of the good in their life. If you’re doing that, take a few minutes to express gratitude. Each day will be richer and more meaningful. And your life will continue to get better and better.
11 Ways to Stay Positive and Feel Good All Day
Want to feel better, be happier and more successful? Here are 11 simple ways to do it.
Contentedly Wandering
Today is one of those rare days when I don’t have a list of scheduled things to do. My client meetings are done and I now have a lovely open afternoon. Of course, I could use this time to catch up on things (there’s always something to do), but that’s not where my brain is today. Today I’m focusing on …
You ARE Worthy of Your Desires
Have you ever asked yourself these questions – Do you believe that you deserve to receive what you desire? Do you believe that you are worthy of your desires? These questions were recently asked of me by a friend of mine while we were discussing a very specific area of my life. When I thought about it, I realized that …
How to Achieve Your Perfect Weight
Bob Proctor explains how to achieve your perfect weight, and why you should release rather than lose extra pounds.
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