Do you know you have an image of yourself locked inside your subconscious mind? While your physical body and appearance are important, it’s this image—the inner image—that really counts. This is the image that determines your success or failure in life. Life as a phenomenal experience The real you is perfect, boundless and is always looking for ways to expand. …
Definition of YOU
One of my favorite stops on my travels around the Internet is the website Humans of New York. This site is the dream-made-manifest of Brandon Stanton, a bond trader turned street photographer who spends his days wandering around New York City, snapping pictures of people he comes across, spending a few moments chatting with them and hearing their stories, then …
What Every Adult and Child Ought to Know About Self-Image
Most people go through their entire life without understanding how profoundly their self-image impacts their life. Bob Proctor explains how the image you hold of yourself sets the boundaries for every area of your life, and what to do to live the way you really want to live.
Your Self-Image and Your Goals Go Hand In Hand
There’s a good chance you have a major stumbling block standing between you and the life of your dreams. Find out what it is and how to overcome it…
The Importance of a Positive Self-Image
Scientists and psychologists have determined that self-image is the primary cause of success and failure in life. Do you know what self-image really is and how and why it makes such a big difference? Find out here…
How to Create a Winner’s Self-Image
Scientists and psychologists have determined that a person’s self-image is the primary cause of success and failure in life. Sandra Gallagher explains how to create the self-image of a winner so you can be more successful in every area of your life.
The Power in Me
When my daughter Samara was 8, she wrote a poem as a song for some friends who were thinking of starting a band. When she showed it to her mom she said, “Don’t show it to Daddy because he will want to read it on the radio.” She was right. I did want to share it, but she asked me …
The Inner Winner
What do you say to yourself when you’re under pressure? Is it usually negative or positive? This first step helps you make sure your self-talk always directs you to a winning mindset…