How Not to Be a Law Breaker

The laws of the universe can be summed up in a single sentence:

What we give out, we get back.

If you really get that, it makes life very simple. Not to mention empowering and freeing.

Still, most of us have foolish ideas about who we are and what we are capable of.

As a result, we think thoughts, have beliefs and do things that prevent us from living the way we were designed to live. Things that work against universal laws and leave us feeling incapable, undeserving and unlovable.

While there are countless ways we block our happiness and success, see if you are holding yourself back by making any of the following mistakes:

1. You stifle your imagination.

Example: You think of a big idea that really excites you, but instead of keeping it alive by letting your imagination flow, you dismiss it and remain stuck in fear.

A Better Approach: Understand that you are divinely guided by Spirit at all times, and Spirit makes no mistakes. It is perfect.

So, when you have a strong desire to express or create something, know there is something in you that wants to grow. The desire comes from a feeling of divine discontent; you can trust the perfection that resides within you.

Use your imagination to build an image of what you want and hold that image in your mind. Then, act like you’ve already brought your idea to life and—through the Law of Vibration—you will attract to you everything that is in harmonious vibration with your thoughts and feelings.

2. When you’re in a downswing, you wait for the other shoe to drop.

Example: In less than one week, you get in a huge fight with your partner, get reprimanded at work and have a car accident. You find yourself expecting more things to go wrong.

A Better Approach: The Law of Rhythm decrees that everything is moving to and fro, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward. The high tide always follows the low tide and vice versa.

So be aware that things are not always going to go your way, but things will turn around.

Never allow yourself to get hung up by the lows. When you are on a downswing, use your free will to choose good thoughts, knowing that good times are on the way.

3. You give up when you don’t get what you want when you want it.

Example: You currently earn $65,000 a year, and you set a goal to double your income in a year.

Within a few months, you get a raise and come up with two additional streams of income. By the end of the year, your income has increased to $78,000.

You become frustrated because you didn’t reach your goal, and you stop looking for ways to increase your income even more.

A Better Approach: Understand that the Law of Gender decrees that every seed has a gestation or incubation period.

Ideas are spiritual seeds, and once planted and nourished, they will move into form or physical results.

Keep holding the image of earning $130,000 in your mind, get emotionally involved with the idea, and it will manifest when the time is right. Have faith and know that the money is on its way to you.

4. You focus on the wrong things.

Example: Next week, you will interview for your dream job. You’re excited, but you’re also very anxious. As the date approaches, you have a growing concern that you will clam up during the interview or say the wrong things.

A Better Approach: The Law of Cause and Effect proves that for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. Every cause has its effect; every effect, its cause.

So, instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong, be aware that whatever you send into the Universe, including your thoughts, comes back. And so, it’s very important that you always, always, always focus on what you want (getting the job, in this case).

5. You let your current circumstances dictate your decisions and actions.

Example: You want more money so you can make sure all your bills will be covered. You keep checking the balance in your checking account and on your credit cards. You keep getting the same financial results even though you wish you had more money.

A Better Approach: By concentrating on your debt and what’s currently in your bank account, your doubt obstructs the unfoldment of prosperity in your life.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation decrees that energy moves into physical form. Since thoughts are energy, any idea that is held in the mind and properly nourished must move into its physical or financial counterpart. In other words, the images you hold in your mind most often materialize into results in your life.

Instead of concentrating on the lack of money in your life, concentrate on the image of having plenty of money left over after all the bills are paid, living in your dream house, driving a new car… whatever being financially comfortable looks like to you.

6. You get upset when you see others doing better than you.

Example: You find out you’re not making as much money as a co-worker You feel resentful.

A Better Approach: The Law of Relativity shows us that all things are relative. For instance, we often talk about raising your vibration. Well, all rates of vibration are either high or low only by comparison with those above and below them.

So, rather than feeling resentful about your co-worker, recognize that everyone does something better than you and you do something better than every person you meet.

Start focusing on the thing(s) you do better than others in your company. Take steps to make yourself even better at it, and the people at work will start to notice. And then, by law, good things will come to you.

7. When something doesn’t work out the way you want it to, you see it as negative.

Example: You put a contract on a new construction house. You’re very excited about moving into a brand-new house, but two weeks later, you find out builder went bankrupt and cannot build the house.

You are so devastated that you make a rash decision to stay where you are even though your current house doesn’t meet your needs.

A Better Approach: The Law of Polarity decrees that everything has an opposite: Hot—Cold … Up—Down … Good—Bad.

You can step into your power by changing your perception. If you look to see both sides of a situation (such as the house you wanted not being build), a person, or circumstance, you’ll realize there has to be something good about it. Look for it. And when you find it, be grateful for it.

You are perfect, whole and complete

The universe totally supports us in every thought we choose to think and emotionalize.

As Louise Hay says in her classic book, You Can Heal Your Life, “The only thing we are ever dealing with is a thought, and thought can be changed.”

So, when you start to worry, doubt, blame, feel victimized, put limits on yourself, or criticize, change the thought that created the feeling.

Change the thought, and the bad feelings must go.

It won’t be easy at first—it takes time to change repetitive thoughts. You’ll fumble and bumble for a while, but like anything else you learn, it gets easier every time you practice.

Here are a few tips that will help reinforce your learning to think thoughts that are in harmony with the laws:

  • Always support yourself (never criticize yourself)
  • Read and study every day
  • Express gratitude every day
  • Say, write and listen to affirmations
  • Visualize

Practice as many of these things as you can, and you will start to see and experience better results in your life.

Keep at it, and you will be surprised and delighted by all the little miracles that occur in your life.

To your success,

Bob Proctor