This magic word is a two-edged sword. It brings us the success we seek or if misused, a life of disappointment. Knowledge and understanding of this principle is the first step in your journey to greater success and the foundation upon which to build a happier, healthier, more prosperous life.
How to Develop an Exceptional Attitude
People with an exceptional attitude sail through life moving from one success to another and, when they occasionally fail at something, they shrug it off and head right out again. But how do they develop such an attitude? Find out here…
How an Attitude of Gratitude Changes Everything
Most people know that it’s good to be grateful, but many misunderstand what gratitude really does for us. Bob Proctor explains the benefits of expressing gratitude and provides a print-ready daily gratitude exercise that you can use to improve your life.
7 Keys to a Positive Attitude on Life’s Roller Coaster
Roller coasters contain sharp curves, steep inclines and descents, straightaways, and sudden changes of speed and direction. The same can be said for life. So how do you deal with the ups and downs of life? Use these seven keys to help you maintain a positive attitude on life’s roller coaster…
7 Attitudes of People Who Prosper
A true prosperous attitude requires more than plastering a smile on your face and trying to think positive thoughts. However, there’s more than one way to get there. Discover seven common attitudes you can choose from to develop an attitude that attracts prosperity in every area of life.
What Do You Want to See More of and Less of?
Inspirational author and speaker Stephen Covey once said, “Start with the end in mind.” So whenever a company wants to launch an ethics initiative, we use a simple exercise: “Look at your organization today – its managers, line employees, and customers – and list behaviors and attitudes you’d like to see more of and less of.” We use the same …
How Think And Grow Rich Became A Movie
“Have you heard of Think and Grow and Rich?” Scott Cervine asked. Sean Donovan paused. He didn’t know it at the time, but this conversation would spark a vision that would not only change their lives but would eventually have a profound impact on the world. Donovan replied, “As in Napoleon Hill? Of course..” Cervine continued, “ Would you and …
Let’s Be Positive
Recently I’ve noticed that people seem to be fascinated by the negative. Reality TV shows are more successful when they pit people against each other, the news and government are all about blaming, and people like to gossip about sad/unfortunate things that happen to others. Often when people receive excellent customer service, or really like something they’ve read or watched, …
Love At Last
There is a very vivid memory that still plays in my mind the evening my Dad passed away. Moments after my Dad’s passing my Mom and I hopped in my car to head back to her home. Surprisingly I noticed that my Mom didn’t appear to be very sad. Even though my Dad had a stroke and had been in …
A number of years ago my good friend John Kanary and I were hustling around an airport attempting to book a flight with anyone who could get us to where we were going. Our plane had been cancelled and we had a few hundred people coming to a seminar we were to conduct in another city. I’m sure you have …
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