What Do You Want to See More of and Less of?

Inspirational author and speaker Stephen Covey once said, “Start with the end in mind.” So whenever a company wants to launch an ethics initiative, we use a simple exercise: “Look at your organization today – its managers, line employees, and customers – and list behaviors and attitudes you’d like to see more of and less of.” We use the same …

Listening to Myself

Yesterday I was talking with a friend who asked my opinion about something he was dealing with. As I shared my thoughts I realized that what I was saying was something that I, also, needed to hear! His situation and mine were different, but the solution was similar. I was surprised and pleased to listen to myself and pay attention …

The Last of Human Freedoms

On the 13th of January this year, I was high-jacked and put in the trunk of a car by four gun-wielding high-jackers here in Johannesburg, South Africa – for three hours! This was the worst experience imaginable, but strangely enough the longer it went on, the calmer and the calmer I got. You know, in the boot of that car, …

Happiness is a Journey

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we’re frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough and we’ll be more content when they are. After that, we’re frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We’ll certainly be happy when they’re out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our …

Tear Down the Walls

I came home from work. There was a note on our apartment door, “Workers will be installing partitions on the balconies on July 21st and 22nd”. It was the 20th, but when I entered our apartment, there were two men on our balcony, putting the final touches on the new wall that separated our side of the balcony from our …

Lessons From a Carrot, Egg, and Coffee Bean

Let’s face it. Painful personal trauma and tragedy – like illness or injury, death of a loved one, loss of a job, or an unexpected breakup of a relationship – are unavoidable. The question is: Will these private calamities erode our capacity to be happy or cause us to become stronger and better able to live a meaningful and fulfilling …

There is Always a Choice

The ultimate truth is we have the ability to be, do and achieve anything we truly desire. Each of us has Divine Source running through us. We are connected to something so much bigger than ourselves. This is our time to shine. Not having the awareness of this powerful truth handicaps us from achieving our full potential. Each challenge or …

Let’s Be Positive

Recently I’ve noticed that people seem to be fascinated by the negative. Reality TV shows are more successful when they pit people against each other, the news and government are all about blaming, and people like to gossip about sad/unfortunate things that happen to others. Often when people receive excellent customer service, or really like something they’ve read or watched, …

Strategies to Stay on Course

Our habits and rituals make up our life. Every day we need physical energy, mental clarity, and emotional balance to tackle everything that comes our way. Self-care, i.e. rituals, is one of the secrets to performing at our highest level. I find that having daily rituals helps me stay on course. These daily rituals help me stay focused and moving …

The Power of the Heart

Most of my adult life, I’ve thought of my heart as just an organ in my body that thrived on low-cholesterol foods and occasional daily exercise. I also believed if I didn’t take care of my heart, I would die early, the way my father did at age 56. My view of my heart, however, changed recently when I watched …