Building Confidence

I remember when, as a 9 year old, while participating in an elementary group class sing along, I was ridiculed and felt extremely small for singing the harmony of a song instead of the melody like everyone else. In that embarrassing moment I decided that I was never going to sing in public again. That decision made me not sing …

Confidence Comes With Knowledge

Some people think confidence comes from achieving great things. But that isn’t true. Find out where confidence really comes and discover concrete ways to increase it here…

The Thin Line Between Persistence and Stubbornness

It’s important to develop persistence in order to reach your goals. But there’s a negative side of persistence that leads to destructive behavior. Sandra Gallagher explains the difference between the two, and how to make sure your persistence works for you rather than against you.

The Last of Human Freedoms

On the 13th of January this year, I was high-jacked and put in the trunk of a car by four gun-wielding high-jackers here in Johannesburg, South Africa – for three hours! This was the worst experience imaginable, but strangely enough the longer it went on, the calmer and the calmer I got. You know, in the boot of that car, …

How Think And Grow Rich Became A Movie

“Have you heard of Think and Grow and Rich?” Scott Cervine asked. Sean Donovan paused. He didn’t know it at the time, but this conversation would spark a vision that would not only change their lives but would eventually have a profound impact on the world. Donovan replied, “As in Napoleon Hill? Of course..” Cervine continued, “ Would you and …

The Twists and Turns of Life

Years ago, Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben introduced the New Year rituals of Rosh Hashanah by holding up a long, coiled ram’s horn. Pointing out the twists and turns, he used the shofar as a metaphor for life. “No one’s life,” he said, “is straight and predictable.” Twists, dips and bends, as well as ups and downs are inevitable. How we …

Strategies to Stay on Course

Our habits and rituals make up our life. Every day we need physical energy, mental clarity, and emotional balance to tackle everything that comes our way. Self-care, i.e. rituals, is one of the secrets to performing at our highest level. I find that having daily rituals helps me stay on course. These daily rituals help me stay focused and moving …

Close Those Doors

In 1949, a young fifteen-year-old sophomore student from Plainfield High School in New Jersey made a decision to become the greatest athlete in the world. A pretty ambitious objective; an idea that most fifteen year olds wouldn’t even dream about. But Milt Campbell has proved to the world he was no ordinary fifteen year old. You see Milt had been …